"Back to Pakistan: A Fifty Year Journey" by Leslie Noyes Mass is a compelling memoir that chronicles the author's return to Pakistan, five decades after her initial visit as a...
The China-Pakistan relationship, characterized as an "all-weather friendship," is deeply rooted in strategic cooperation, economic collaboration, and diplomatic support. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1951, the two nations...
Concise Review of Embryology 2nd Edition "Concise Review of Embryology, 2nd Edition" by Rana Haseeb Nasir, Dr. Zahid Bulandshahri, and Dr. Ghulam Ahmad offers a comprehensive yet succinct overview of...
The Developing Human 11th Edition Extensively revised to incorporate recent research and current clinical practice, The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 11th Edition, covers all aspects of normal and abnormal embryonic and fetal...
In her groundbreaking work, "Woman Healthcare and Violence in Pakistan," Sara Rozvi Jafri of Oxford University delivers a comprehensive analysis of the intersection between women's health and violence in Pakistan....